Contrary to what many employees think, motivation has to come from the individual....not from the employer.
It is true you may get some brief satisfaction from a pay increase or a promotion, but in truth a long lasting and heartfelt desire to do well in life has to come from within and is not dependent on where you work, or who you work for.

True motivation leads from a willingness to pursue your goals and desires, so it is essential that you begin by setting out your desires for your future and setting a timeline to achieve them.

Find out what your passions are, go within yourself and seek out what your life should be like if you had no restraints on time or finance.

Dream big. Set out what these life goals are and reach upward as if you were already wealthy and could do whatever you wanted.

Write it all down, better still create a picture folder with photos of your new dream lifestyle.

This practice of reading your dream folder every day will build a fire of desire over time and most probably will propel you on to bigger and better things. That may be within your current work scenario, or could quite possibly lead you on to something different altogether.

Just know you are on a journey and it is one to be savoured and enjoyed. The destination is in front of you but it is not the all, just allow yourself to get to where you are going in the right time and know that everything is right with the world for now as it is.