Giving compliments to people is free and can give a little lift to both the recipient and the person giving that compliment. However, if complimenting a customer or a fellow employee it pays to do it right.

Be specific about what you are complimenting on. Being vague such as 'you look good today' does not really register and is not exactly very inventive either. Pinpoint something that you notice and back it up with a 'why' afterwards. For example : That necklace / neck tie looks great on you...( the why) ...it matches your eyes / shirt / suit.

When complimenting a fellow employee, it is good to follow the 3 step rule of 1. WHAT 2. FEELING 3. EFFECT.

The 'what' part is the reason for the compliment - what was done to warrant the compliment.

The 'feeling' part is how did you feel about what was done, did it tickle you, make you proud, or made you glad, thrilled, pleased.

The 'effect' is what effect did it have on the business or department or client. Did it make us stand out better amongst the competition, did it allow for more efficiency or cost effectiveness etc.
Example ; I really liked the way you welcomed that large tour group yesterday on the front desk. I was pleased to see it go so smoothly, and it showed the rest of your team a fine example of how it should be done in the future. Well done.